Singing Guide: Matt Corby

Singing Guide: Matt Corby

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to Sing Like Matt Corby

If you are looking to learn how to sing like Matt Corby, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Known for his soulful voice and incredible range, Matt Corby is an artist who has truly honed his craft to perfection. In this article, we will take a closer look at his unique vocal technique to help you better understand his style.

Developing Your Range

If you want to sing like Matt Corby, you need to work on developing your range. Start by taking the Singing Carrots Vocal Range Test to discover your vocal range and compare it to that of Matt Corby. Once you know your range, you can begin to work on extending it. Matt Corby is known for his incredible range, which spans from a powerful low register to a soaring falsetto.

Breathing and Support

One of the keys to Matt Corby's vocal technique is his breath control and support. He is able to sustain long notes with ease, thanks to his ability to control his breath and use his diaphragm to support his voice. To work on your breathing and support, try the Singing Carrots Breath Support exercises.

Articulation and Phrasing

Matt Corby is known for his unique articulation and phrasing. He often employs an airy vocal style that is both captivating and unique. If you want to improve your articulation and phrasing, try some of the Singing Carrots Articulation exercises.

Songs to Practice

If you want to sing like Matt Corby, it's important to listen to and practice his songs. Some of his most well-known songs include:

  • Brother
  • Resolution
  • Monday
  • Nothing Matters
  • Wrong Man

Try singing along to these songs and pay attention to Matt Corby's vocal technique.

Additional Resources

For additional resources to help you improve your singing, consider taking the Singing Carrots Vocal Course or exploring the Vocal Ranges of Famous Singers. These resources can help you gain a better understanding of singing theory and technique, as well as improve your vocal range and control.

If you are serious about learning to sing like Matt Corby, it will take time, patience, and practice. By working on your range, breath control, articulation, and phrasing, and by practicing his songs, you can start to develop your own unique vocal style that captures the essence of this incredible artist.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.